Review of Jeremy Clarkson: No Limits

3 / 10


Featuring some amazing cars such as the 1000Bhp Nissan Skyline R33, Ford RS200 and Mitsubishi Evo VII, Jeremy Clarkson aims to impart some useful information on driving safety as well as experience the awe of not only these cars here, but also the new Lamborghini Murcielago, Noble M12 GTO and truck racing. Chuck in a couple of TVR`s, races between cars as well as a Ferrari track day and you`re talking about a feature packed show. Oh, and one for the old people amongst you, there`s a healthy dose of Bentley Arnage T.


The 1.78:1 anamorphic transfer is as clear and detailed as you would expect from a digitally recorded programme. Colours and details are well balanced and come out well and there are no flaws at all, not a sign of anything wrong with the image.


Nothing fancy about the soundtrack options here. There`s a plain variety Dolby Digital 2.0 soundtrack and it`s all clear enough. In fact, apart from Clarkson`s droney voice and lack of wit, the cars here sound nothing short of superb. Sound quality of the DVD is fine for what it is.


An annoying looping macho guitar is our backing on the menu screen with absolutely no extras whatsoever. Someone please shoot the musician. There are no subtitles or other language options either. A poor showing.


"What are the driving lessons like!" I hear you cry. It`s not all that. He gives a demo on hand brake turns with driver extroadinaire Russ Swift, talks about tyres and the advantage of getting good quality tyres for safety as well as powersliding and doing doughnuts. He does impart some useful information, some stuff that I didn`t know about front and rear wheel drive power output, but to be honest there`s not a lot else here that you as a driver probably won`t already know. It`s not really lessons at all, rather us just watching Clarkson have a good time.

"..the gearbox, that`s amazing, you only need one finger! The old Diablo you used to have to use two hands and get the passenger to help." -Clarkson on the new Lamborghini Murcielago.

Who would bother buying this 53 minute testosterone filled ego centric macho Clarkson fronted DVD? Don`t get me wrong, I like cars and I especially like fast cars. I am not however enamoured with Jeremy Clarkson. I was glad when he left BBC`s Top Gear all those years ago and cringed when he had his own talk show. I did however enjoy his series on motoring around the world, the name of which escapes me at present, but this? At less than one hour with a street price of around £20 and no extras, it`s got absolutely no replay value whatsoever apart from wanting to hear the engine notes of the superb class of vehicles on display.

When the programme is on TV next, tape it, watch it once or twice, then record over it. That`s what this DVD unfortunately represents, it`s throwaway television. The high mark I give it here is purely for the cars themselves. I`d stick to buying a nice fat supercars book instead, stuffed with pictures and tech specs this is far more enjoyable than hearing a ranting salivating Clarkson. No limits? No way.

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