Review of Music In High Places: The Calling

6 / 10


Another disc from the Music In High Places series, which feature various artists in different locations (the `high places` of the title), performing some of their best tracks.

This volume features the band The Calling, who have recently made an assualt on the charts with a rather catchy number. It follows the band on their tour around Italy - as they call it, a place not only to `connect spiritually, but also to see the sights of a magnificent country and perform in front of famous buildings`.

This disc comprises of 8 tracks, branched with clips as they discover the beauty around them, and yep - that includes crowds of lusting girls!


It is presented in 1.78:1 Anamorphic Widescreen, and the print is crisp and clear throughout, with no compression signs visible.

The feature is shot excellently, during the music there are some great background shots, which symbolically compare to their music on some level. During the non-music parts, the directing is still good, and makes you appreciate Italy for its beauty.


A DD 5.1 track is on offer, and the surrounds are used well during the music, and add some ambience. The main audio stream is crisp and clear during the dialogue, and certain parts of the music are represented through the front speakers.

Their music setup comprises of two guitars (not electric) and what seems to be a bongo drum - plus the vocal talents of who appears to be the leader of the band. However, even though they don`t possess six-foot high amps, or a drumkit that the hardest of rock bands would envy, they still possess a certain music flair. But, some of their tracks are repetitive. Granted, a couple of them are very good, so it is all swings and roundabouts I suppose.


With a music disc one doesn`t expect that much in the extras department, but this one does indeed please - for a music title that is...

The main extra is a series of behind-the-scenes featurettes, that clock in at over 20 minutes, but surely it would have been better to incorporate this into the feature?

As well as this, we get some static pages about the band, and the choice of playing the feature `music only`.

The menus are animated nicely, with music in the background, and the Music In High Places logo floating around.


If you like the band, a good purchase. If you are looking for the year`s best music disc - look elsewhere. Why? Well, you only get 8 tracks, and to be honest, their music isn`t groundbreaking. My favourite music disc this year is still Elvis: The Great Performances.

Disc wise, the presentation is excellent, great visuals and crystal-clear audio. Extras wise? be honest the featurettes should be in the main feature, as I`ve said earlier.

Overall, worth a rent, but unless you`re a fan, not one to cherish.

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