Review of Rough Air: Danger On Flight 534

1 / 10


I have a name for movies like this, I like to call them "6 pints and a kebab movies". There usually on late at night on Channel 5 and it takes 6 pints before you`d contemplate sitting and watching it and a kebab to help you stay awake the duration. These are mindless pumped out pictures with little or nothing to reccomend them on either story concept or acting talent. I`m sure the actors in these movies must hope for better things and cringe at the final result.

In this movie Eric Roberts, yes brother to Julia, plays a pilot on leave after suffering a traumatic episode on an previous flight. At the last moment he is called upon to stand in for the first officer on flight 534 and fly shotgun to a cocky pilot of the year. You can tell the flight is doomed from the start as we are introduced to the crew and a myriad of stereotypical high-profile passengers. We have, and I`m not kidding, a screwed up first officer, a top football star, an internet murderer, a top British exec with attitude and a fresh faced kid who takes a shine to the stewardess. These are all played by mostly unknowns, the only familiar face is Alexandra Lutz of Baywatch fame.

Eventually we have a cargo hold door that rips off damaging the plane. Then, During an attempt to make it to an airport in Iceland, we see the predictable expendible passengers snuff-it and the bad ones suddenly realise their wrongdoings. The dialogue is stilted and the suspense is non-existent. This is just a crass TV movie with low rent stars. It`s so bad it`s awful!


Not a bad picture for such a bad movie. The 4:3 (1:33.1) is clean and crisp but does look more TV movie than multiplex. There is a small amount of macro blocking that does distract but not as much as the movie itself. Blacks are still rock solid but whites do steak and halo on the very bright areas. The main menu is static and boring, just like the acting.


The Dolby 2.0 stereo track is clear and crisp but offers very little bang for the money. The imaging is flat and lifeless, just like the acting, and the bass is nowhere to be seen.


Nothing, nadda, zip, ziltch!


A very bad TV movie with bad acting. The disc contains just the terrible main feature and its soundtrack. That said would you want to know how this was made? My answer is yes, then at least we could try and put a stop to it!

Get 6 pints down you and a kebab handy. No on second thoughts save the £9.99 and have a night out!

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