Review of Relic, The

4 / 10


The Relic bears a remarkable similarity to the X-Files episode "Teso Dos Bichos" from Season 3. The plot centres on an ancient artefact brought from South America to a North American museum, however an extremely unpleasant monster lurks within, and it has an insatiable appetite for human brains, which it removes whilst dismembering its victims.


The video is presented in 2.35:1 widescreen and isn`t particularly wonderful - the main problem is the slight lack of focus and details which is combined with poor contrast which results in a washed-out image. In addition, the film has very poor lighting, with many sets too dark and cast members speaking with shadows cast over their faces - making some scenes look very unprofessional.

The dismemberments are appropriately gory, with the first crime scene and resulting autopsy quite unpleasant, but the monster itself is less than convincing most of the time.


The sound comes in Dolby Digital 5.1, and, like the video, fails to meet the standards set by others. The soundtrack suffers from a lack of range and is slightly muffled, and despite good use of the rear channels, is hard to set at a level that suits both the dialog and the sound effects.

The soundtrack consists of the usual monster grunts and growls, plus the obligatory screaming of victims, wrapped up in a stereotypical horror movie score with the strings wailing as the attack draws closer.


The extras consist of just a trailer, and having watched it, I came to the conclusion that anyone who went to watch the movie at the cinema after having seen the trailer would need professional help.

The disc is packaged in a clear Amaray case.


The Relic is a very weak film that offers nothing new to the genre, has mediocre special effects, a lame script and unimpressive picture and sound.

If you want to see a monster running round a museum slaughtering people, watch the aforementioned X-Files episode - it is better and half the length, plus it has the benefit of a good cast and script.

Overall, this is one to avoid, and if you really must watch it, rent it out.

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