Review of Girl On A Motorcycle

4 / 10


Watching this movie really takes me back to my childhood. I can`t remember how I came to see it, especially at such a young age as the movie does contain some brief nudity, steady on lads I did say brief.
The film is a rather laboured and dated affair that plods along, goes in no particular direction but offers some eye candy for the guys, as a bunch fleeting glances of Marianne Faithful nude. I can hear the men of the world now "Oh the wonder of the pause button." You know you do it, don`t deny it!


Ghastly, yes it is just horrible. The print is extremely scratched and there`s a constant harsh grain to the whole image. Colours are muted and flat and blacks are, erm, well grey. This needs some extreme restoration work just to bring it up to good standard.


The 2.0 mono track is on the other hand quite good. It has some punch at times and dialogue is very clear. It does suffers from some break up and distortion in parts, but on the whole a good try from distributors Metrodome.


The discs audio commentary by director Jack Cardiff is quite entertaining with some interesting anecdotes and technical details about the shoot. Also on the disc is a small and pointless image gallery plus a fairly in depth cast and crew biography section. Not much to get excited about.


The whole thing looks like one of those old public information movies. The picture is very bad and the film is just dull beyond belief. Only the sound saves this disc from becoming a coaster. Jack Cardiff makes a point of mentioning that this movie was the second highest grossing movie in England on its theatrical release.

All it did for me was bring back one bizarre childhood, did I see a film like this when I was eleven, memory. It may offer some tittilation to a male audience with its vary lame softcore styling.

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