Anime Review Roundup

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Just one new review for you last week, but it’s a title I’ve been eagerly awaiting since I first streamed it back in 2012. Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions! is finally here, or rather the first season, and it’s my most fun show of the year. It comes from Studio Kyoto Animation, and they combine their ‘cute girls doing cute things’ expertise, with a bunch of geeky otaku characters, add no little romance, and create a decent character story as well. For me it’s the best thing they’ve done since K-On!, maybe since The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and it’s well worth watching. Click on the review to read more.

This Week I’ve Been Mostly Rewatching...

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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Season 1. It is pure coincidence that I started watching Chunibyo’s spiritual forebear around the same time. The differences between the two shows are great of course. There’s very little romance in Haruhi Suzumiya, and while Chunibyo’s protagonists merely wish they had epic powers, Haruhi actually does encounter espers, time travellers and aliens, only she doesn’t know it. Her put upon, right hand man Kyon knows it, but he can’t tell her, lest world shattering events occur. They occur anyway on a regular basis, but at least this way they have a chance to put them right again. This time, a little tired of changing discs, I tried something new with Haruhi Suzumiya Season 1. I watched it in chronological order, instead of the mind-warping chronology of the broadcast order. Maybe it’s that, or maybe it’s because I’m watching it for the fifth time, but it’s feels a little mundane in chronological order.

I reviewed the US Complete Collection from Bandai for the site way back in 2008, and Beez released it in the UK. While the inferior second season is still readily available, the first season is deleted, and you’ll have to look second hand, and prepare to pay some daft prices. The US release is just as deleted. But there is hope if you want it on DVD, as Madman Entertainment still sell it in Australia region 4 if you are happy to import. It’s also had a Blu-ray release in Japan, or rather 2 releases of the complete series, including season 2. These discs contain the English dub and subtitles, and are most likely Region free. But apparently it’s the first, 2010 release which has the superior transfer.

Animatsu released Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions on Deluxe Blu-ray and standard DVD last Monday.

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