Anime Review Roundup

MVM Announces Three Licences

A couple of weeks ago, MVM teased us with the reveal that they had four more licenses lined up for the UK, three classic series and one new title. They also mentioned that one classic show would be a re-release, while two will be new to the UK.

The details are beginning to come out, and first up was the re-release, which turns out to be Vampire Princess Miyu. MVM previously released it on single volumes some six or more years ago, and following a factory fire which destroyed several MVM masters at the time, it has long since been out of print. This summer Vampire Princess Miyu will return in complete collection form. This was announced on Facebook.

For their second announcement, news came via the Anime Picks website, and it turned out that it would be another vampire series, Nightwalker, The Midnight Detective. This is a show dating from the late nineties, back when moe-blob was just a glint in a geek’s eye, and anime meant sex, violence, and gore. The good old days. Nightwalker, The Midnight Detective was released in the US by Central Park Media, and more recently has seen release in Australia courtesy of Siren Visual. It will be making its UK debut later this year.

Today they revealed the name of the 2012 title, and it is going to be Waiting in the Summer, the comedy romance from the people behind Please Teacher and Please Twins. It will be released as a subtitle only, complete series collection on June 3rd this year, and it’s already up for pre-order at Anime on Line.

Incoming Panty & Stocking Blu-Ray!

I’m not kidding. There I was, poised over a checkout button, having found a bargain release of Manga Entertainment’s Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt DVD, when news came from Manga Towers that June 24th will see the UK release of Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt on Blu-ray. Details emerged that it will be a BD DVD combo, five discs in all, at £39.99, and that the Blu-ray component will contain all the added extras that the recent Funimation release got for its upgrade.

That Was The Year That Was

January is the time of year that we get to look back at the last year, and lament all those resolutions we failed to follow up on, and make them all over again for the new year. I took a look at the past 12 months in anime in the space of two articles, and you can partake of them here...

MyReviewer Best of 2012 - Anime Part 1
MyReviewer Best of 2012 - Anime Part 2

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It’s been a couple of weeks since the last Review Roundup, but reviews are still light on the ground. Odd really, as I feel like I’m reviewing more than ever right now. That’s boxsets for you. What would have been ten or eleven single discs, resulting in ten or eleven single reviews, now boil down to a mere two. First up was the Martian Successor Nadesico Complete Collection, which I imported at the end of last year. It contains the complete 26 episode series, the movie, the OVA and heaps of extras. It’s the tale of Earth’s last ditch hope against an implacable alien enemy, an advanced starship sent forth to do battle, with a squadron of giant robots aboard. So far so Robotech, but this starship is staffed by a crew of reprobates, geeks, and oddballs, who set forth inspired by their favourite anime show. It’s sci-fi comedy of a rather unique nature, and I’ve reviewed the recent re-mastered release.

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Then it was the turn of The World God Only Knows: Complete Series 2. I watched series 1 last year and found it to be a really delightful and well judged comedy show, with likeable characters and a whole lot of heart. More of the same would have been good enough, and indeed that is what you get with the second series, but it also manages to be even better. Click on the review if you would like to live in The World God Only Knows, where a videogame addict is the God of romancing women.

Martian Successor Nadesico saw its remastered re-release from Right Stuf last year, while The World God Only Knows: Complete Series 2 comes out today, thanks to Manga Entertainment.

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