Universal Pictures (UK) announces American Mary coming to DVD & Blu-ray

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The viscerally thrilling and darkly seductive ‘American Mary - “the most startling and original horror film this year” (Chris Tilly, IGN) - arrives on DVD and Blu-ray from Universal Pictures (UK) on 21st January 2013.

Simultaneously beautiful, repulsive, shocking and endearing, Jen & Sylvia Soska's brilliantly original and thought-provoking exploration into the depths of tattoo and body modification subculture is undoubtedly one of the must-see horrors of our time. Featuring a career-best lead performance by Katherine Isabelle (Being Human; Ginger Snaps) in the title role, ‘American Mary’ seduced audiences at this year's Film4 Frightfest, being heralded as “Absolutely superb” (Ain't It Cool) and simply “Unforgettable” (Fangoria).

Struggling to make financial ends meet while studying to be a surgeon, talented medical student Mary Mason (Katharine Isabelle) finds herself reduced to applying for work at a local strip joint in order to pay off her mounting debts, where she is unexpectedly called upon to perform some illegal emergency surgery on one of the club’s clients and is instantly rewarded with a significant cash payment.

Word of Mary’s scalpel-work soon reaches one of the club’s dancers, who approaches her offering to pay handsomely for some off-the-books, extreme body-modification work on a friend. The ensuing surgery is a huge success and Mary’s skills soon attract the attention of an underground network of high-paying clientele, all looking for someone to administer procedures and body-mod work unavailable through the usual legal channels.

UK Trailer


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