Anime Review Roundup & Panty and Stocking Heads Up

Panty and Stocking Palaver

Today’s big new anime release for Manga Entertainment is the profane Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt. Alas, profanity of another sort has started to colour the websphere blue, as fans who pre-ordered it and received it early have found the discs to be lacking.

To get the show out early for UK fans, around the same time as the US for a change, Manga took the move of authoring the discs themselves, rather than waiting for a PAL master from Australia. But on Manga’s twitter feed this weekend, it was noted that episodes 11, 12, and 13 on disc 3 were incomplete, their endings truncated. I’ve since had a look at the review discs, and can confirm that this is in fact so. There also appears to be a similar truncation of the Outtakes in the extra features.

Manga Entertainment are investigating the problem and will issue a statement in due course.

Nevertheless, if you are thinking of buying Panty and Stocking, it would probably be wise to wait on Manga and see what sort of solution is forthcoming before you commit to buying.

US Otakon News (More Fairy Tail Licensed)

The last major convention of the summer took place on the East Coast of the US this weekend, and as usual it was replete with licence announcements from the major anime distributors. You can go to Anime News Network to get all the finer details, but little noteworthy news items that caught my eye, and in some cases made me grind my teeth in frustration include...

Aniplex USA announcing the Durarara Blu-ray for the US, just after I finish reviewing the DVDs I imported!

Funimation licensing Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine, the latest Tenchi instalment, Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar (and also announcing that they have all of the Tenchi franchise on their books).

But of immediate interest to UK fans (and indeed US fans) is the fate of Fairy Tail, a shonen show that has been a great entertainment these past few months. Funimation have released the first 48 episodes, and in the UK we are almost up to that point too, and all summer, fans have waited to hear that Funimation had licensed more. They left it to last, but they have finally announced that they have the next 24 episodes of Fairy Tail, as well as the Fairy Tail feature film. Hopefully these will come to the UK in due course.

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A couple of reviews last week, beginning with the concluding half of Clannad. This is the first visual novel adaptation from Key/Visual to be released in the UK, our first look at something of a new genre to these shores. We don’t get too many harem mystery shows in the UK, but it’s a rather successful and appealing niche. The first half got things off to a rousing start, delivering its double helping of cute and angst in such measure as to make grown men cry. See if the conclusion of the story has the same effect by clicking on my review for Clannad: Part 2.

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Next it was the turn of the borderline psychotic gun wielding hottie who can make grown men wince, in the form of ‘Two Hands’ Revy. Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage is here on Blu-ray, the half of the show where things get dark, atmospheric and introspective, after a first half of balls to the wall action. The action isn’t any less diminished here, but this half of Black Lagoon also stimulates the grey matter in a way that will affect you most viscerally. See why you must absolutely own this show on Blu-ray by clicking the link.

Manga Entertainment release both Clannad: Part 2 on DVD, and Black Lagoon: Second Barrage on Blu-ray today. Incidentally the complete Black Lagoon was released on DVD earlier this month, while the first half of the show also comes out on Blu-ray today.

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