Found footage horror flick Tape 407 crashes on DVD this July

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Do you like found footage films and haven't quite had your fill yet? Well G2 Pictures have another for your entertainment and viewing pleasure, Tape 407 aka The Mesa Reserve Incident (Optima Flight 37A) hits DVD on 2nd July.

Directed by Dale Fabrigar and Everette Wallin, this stars Abigail Schrader, Samantha Lester and James Lyon. Running for a shade under 90 minutes, the recommended retail price will be £15.99.

Hopefully we'll have a review of it at some point, the trailer makes it look like a cross between The Blair Witch Project, Lost and Jurassic Park.

Synopsis follows...

A plane hits extreme turbulence mid-flight. The relentless weather attack causes panic and terror amongst the passengers until the plane ultimately crashes in a remote government-testing area.

The handful of survivors from the crash, bloody and disorientated, are then insistently pursued in the darkness by unknown predators that, unbeknownst to them, are part of the government's top-secret Mesa Experiment.

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