Review for [REC]2

7 / 10

Simply, not as good as number one. But then it won't because the first had an impact/style that we hadn't really seen (done well) before.

Picking up pretty much from where the 1st one left off we now follow some commando/soldier guys who you quickly like (apart from one, but i think thats the point, he's kinda like Hicks in Aliens). We follow these doomed individuals around the same building and after about 10 mins the film is frequently trying to make you crap yourself with sudden loud noises(jumpy bits), none that are anywhere near as good as the "bit by the stairs" from the original Rec.

It's all very intense, although for me never scary.

Unfortunately about half way through we get introduced to some new characters who are all extremely irritating (& thick)!

Although this is a very good horror sequel. It adds (quite a bit) to the story and why these "zombies/possesed" are there. Plus it gives you more of what you want. Even if that is wobbly camera work were half the time you cant quite see whats going on.


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