Anime Review Roundup

Competition! Win Rin - Daughters of Mnemosyne on DVD

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It's been a while, but it's competition time again, and this time we have something quite special for fans of old school anime and fans of modern anime. Once upon a time, if it was animated and it came from Japan, it contained lashings of sex and violence and gore, and it was guaranteed to give some authority figure somewhere a stroke in apoplexy. But since then, the anime that we get in the UK has gotten much broader in range, catering to all audiences, and storytelling in the medium has gotten a lot more sophisticated.

Rin - Daughters of Mnemosyne takes the best of both worlds, the sex, the violence, and the gore, and adds in the smart sophisticated storytelling to result in one of the most talked about anime shows in years.

Now you have a chance to win a copy of the complete series on DVD. All you have to do is click the link, and answer a simple question. And naturally, only over 18s need apply.

Manga Blogging

Everyone's doing it, and now you can add Manga Entertainment to the list. It's all about opening the avenues of communication. It may be Twitter, it may be Facebook, and it may be a dedicated blog.

The link here, and the one to the side points to Manga Entertainment's blog, and it's one to keep an eye on this week, as they intend to announce their new anime licences for 2011. If one of them isn't Evangelion 2.22, I'll eat my… I'll eat someone else's hat!

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This week the reviews begin with the return of Manga's new shonen phenomenon for 2010. No not Soul Eater, the other one, D. Gray-Man: Series 2 Part 1 to be exact. It's been a while since we last saw Allen Walker and his friends engaged in their ongoing battle against The Millennium Earl, the Clan of Noah, and the evil menace of Akuma. The end of Series 1 left us on something of a pesky cliffhanger as well, so you'd expect this new volume to dive right in and get to the meat of the story. You'd expect that, wouldn't you? See what the creators actually did by clicking on my review.

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Speaking of slow, interminable, and tiresome shonen action series, I got my second helping of Bleach last week, and given how the latest series instalment sent me on a downward spiral of torpidity, I wasn't exactly jazzed for more. Fortunately, Bleach the Movie 2: The Diamond Dust Rebellion is a movie (the clue's in the title), which means that it gets to tell its routine teen male action fare in a brief and compressed ninety minutes. A story begins, has a middle, and ends, all on just one disc. The novelty of it! What's more, The Diamond Dust Rebellion isn't routine at all, it actually offers something different with its storyline, and Manga Entertainment give us something quite nice when it comes to the DVD. Click the review to see just what, pal!

It's all Manga Entertainment this week, and D. Gray-Man: Series 2 Part 1 is released today or tomorrow depending on Bank Holiday shenanigans, while Bleach The Movie 2: The Diamond Dust Rebellion comes out next week on the 6th of September.

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