Sooty - The Big Surprise

6 / 10

When the review discs for Sooty's Big Surprise were being sent out I'm not sure why someone decided to pop one in the mail to that cynical, jaded misanthrope of a gorehound who thinks that the film doesn't need to have dismemberment, gore or torture, but it certainly wouldn't make it any worse. On the other hand, if someone like that could appreciate a DVD containing five episodes of The Sooty Show, then it's the sort of disc that will appeal to just about anyone!

I would be lying if I said that I had fond memories of Sooty as a child but I do remember having a Sooty glove puppet which was fun for a bit but didn't really do anything in the same way that Scalextric, Airfix or a catapult did. I do have vague memories of watching Sooty and they tend to involve Matthew Corbett being squirted with water by the misbehaving bear on his right hand.

As some form of journey down memory lane, a couple of DVDs are being released, one with Rainbow and the other with The Sooty Show either to see if today's youngsters will enjoy the shows or just for adults to look back at their youth and see if nostalgia still works.

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This disc contains five of the 20 minute episodes:

The Big Surprise
After staying at a friend's house, Sooty, Sweep and Soo return home and ask Matthew if they can have a brand new bedroom. Sadly, Matthew tells them they can't afford one, but what could possibly be hidden behind the mysterious door in their house bearing a 'Keep Out' sign? There are pleasant surprises in store for everyone, including Matthew, in this delightful episode.

Hidden Talent
A local talent contest inspires the furry friends to try their hands at being entertainers, with Soo planning to play the piano, Sweep hoping to become a comedian and Sooty showing off his xylophone playing skills. Naturally, things don't quite go according to plan and Sooty and Sweep instead end up competing with each other to see who is the best drummer. To settle the arguments, Matthew invites a drummer friend of his - self-confessed Sooty fan, Nicko McBrain from Iron Maiden! - around to show them how it's done.

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Sticky Situation
Chaos reigns when the gang turn their attentions to arts and crafts when decorating some books. Sooty tries to help Sweep's failed efforts by using magic but with so much glue, sticky tape and papier-mâché about, you just know things are going to get very messy!

Little Cousin Scampi
Sooty is less than pleased to hear that his mischievous cousin in about to pay a visit and his concerns prove to be well founded when Scampi arrives and immediately begins playing tricks and pranks on the gang involving banana skins, salt, custard pies and water pistols.

Fanatical Fun
Unimpressed by Matthew's new found obsession with exercising, Sooty sets about setting traps to upset Matthew's fitness regime. Undeterred, Matthew joins a gym but soon regrets his decision.

Although Sooty is very dated, it will probably have enough charm and slapstick chaos to amuse younger children and give the adults, who remember this as part of their childhood, a trip down memory lane. I quite enjoyed watching this disc and it was reassuring that my recollections of Sooty being sensitive yet mischievous, Sweep a bundle of energy and Soo as the voice of reason who is really a wet blanket were all accurate.

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The Disc

The Picture
For a twenty year old show, the picture quality is very good with vibrant colours and very little detritus to speak of.

The Sound
As this is a show with very little going on apart from the words from Matthew Corbett's mouth, Sweep squeaking and Soo being officious, the audio track is perfectly adequate and presents the dialogue well.

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Final Thoughts
The Sooty Show is a fine slice of 1980s and '90s British kids TV with Matthew Corbett carrying on where his father, Harry, left off. These five shows have just about everything from The Sooty Show: Sooty playing the xylophone (actually a glockenspiel!), waving his magic wand to make sure he gets his own way, Matthew being soaked and assaulted in various ways and the characters, including Cousin Scampi, doing what they are renowned for.

If you want to introduce your child to Sooty, this is a great disc to use and it also will provide adults with enough material to reminisce about their childhood. I liked it, and that is saying something!

Your Opinions and Comments

Matthew Corbett once blocked my car in at a studio and refused to move it to let me some deluded Diva. What a complete and utter t**t!
posted by Stuart McLean on 16/4/2010 23:18
Well, look at the upside: you don't spend your working life with your hand up a bear's backside!
posted by David Beckett on 17/4/2010 11:03