Anime Review Roundup

It's getting close to that time of year when the Jingleduke atop his mouse-drawn carriage, dispenses poultry to all and sundry around the world. Or something. Now it's either distributors concentrating on retailing their wares, or it's me concentrating on emptying retailers of said wares. There either is no news to report, or I just have been distracted from hearing it. Either way, let's get straight into the reviews. And remember what I said about my retail therapy. There are only two reviews this week as well.

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First it was Desert Punk: Volume 6. This dark dystopian action comedy comes to a close in this final volume, and with Gonzo doing the honours, you can expect lots of explosions, and a profusion of twists and turns as it races headlong into the finale. This is also where Gonzo are renowned for fumbling the ball. I've enjoyed the twisted humour and ribald sensibilities of Desert Punk, its distinct political incorrectness has been a significant part of its charm. Find out by clicking on my review if the final volume lives up to that.

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Next up it was five hours of me banging my head against a brick wall. I tell a lie, it was Naruto Unleashed 8:1, but it's a close thing. For those of you who are still keeping count, we are hip deep in the effluence of filler. Naruto is spinning its wheels while the animators wait for the creator to come up with more storyline, and they have to make do with nonsense stories that add nothing to the main plot, and have been declining in quality as the filler volumes progress. On the bright side, there are only two more volumes after this one to go. Then again, there are two more volumes to wade through before we get to Shippuden. But I urge you to click on this review, if only for the screencap I found where Akamaru gets just a little too frisky with the orange anoraked one.

MVM release Desert Punk: Volume 6 today, while Manga Entertainment release Naruto 8:1 on the 14th of December.

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