Silent Bloodnight

1 / 10

Designed as a rape-revenge film along the lines of The Virgin Spring, The Last House on the Left and I Spit on Your Grave, Silent Bloodnight starts at night with a group of young people skinny dipping whilst a girl, obviously with learning difficulties, wanders along the road by the lake in her nightdress singing Hush, Little Baby and then spies on them.  Another couple turn up and, finding the lake occupied, make out in their car until the lake is empty and they can 'cool off'.  When the strange young woman stumbles across a couple having sex in the woods, she again turns peeping tom until a couple of lads (one with a great mullet) drag her off and rape her.
When the four friends return to their hostel, a bloke is dispatched by a spade-wielding killer who then chases a girl to the lake and kills her too.  An odd chap called Jacob has asked if anyone has seen his sister, Nina, and he goes down to the lake and is distraught when he sees the killer holding the body.  I was already slightly confused but at this point the narrative goes completely off the rails as Jacob goes to the police station and says that his father has been missing for two days and probably shot himself.  The police chief describes Jacob's story as either 'boring' or 'worrying' - I'm not sure which as the sound is muddy and all the actors are Germans speaking English with thick accents!

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One of the girls, who it turns out is the policeman's daughter, is a local TV journalist who, it seems, does all of her reports in a bikini discovers a body in the lake and begins investigating the murder.  She turns up one clue herself, another is sent anonymously to the station and the man with a spade seems intent on killing everyone under the age of 30 in the area.
At no point do we see the crazy girl in the nightdress again and there is something to do with her being missing, presumably dead, with Jacob performing a cover-up.  I'll be damned if I can figure out what exactly happened in the course of this film but there is a serial killer carrying out extremely unconvincing and bloody murders.  There is a recipe for fake blood which any horror fan should know but either the crew don't know it or there was a shortage of corn syrup and red dye in Germany at the time of shooting as the blood is particularly watery and pink!
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Hats off to anyone who makes a feature film, as it's no small undertaking, but this is a confused mess and the acting is terrible, not helped by the film being in a foreign language - everyone is German but the is written and delivered in English.  Their English is better than my German but this does have the unfortunate side effect of the  Teutonic difficulties with pronouncing the letter 'V' leading to people saying 'Wienna', 'Wery well' and 'Wiolent' (a little like Prince Ludvig in Blackadder II)!
I found this funny rather than scary and incredibly confusing.  I'm not sure why people were being killed, who exactly the murderer was and why Jacob was protecting him.  Silent Bloodnight is just horribly amateurish with really low production values and poor actors delivering bad lines badly.
Picture and Sound
The muddy visuals don't compensate for the anamorphic picture - I'd rather have a sharper picture letterboxed than this.  The audio is similarly unclear and isn't helped by the actors grappling with English.  As I said above, some words are hard to pick out and can have extremely different meanings depending on how you hear them.
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Final Thoughts
I'm not sure if this was a beneficiary of the German tax break that benefited Uwe Boll's career so much but it's clearly not a film with a high budget where the tax level would be particularly fruitful for the German state.  As with many low budget movies, I got the impression that this was shot in locations known to the crew and the whole project was the first by a group of friends fresh out of film school.  If this is the case then the teachers responsible for screenwriting would be disappointed as the film makes no sense and is impossible to follow beyond about 5 minutes in!  Even at Brain Damage Films' very low £2.99 price tag, I can't really recommend this unless you are morbidly curious and like terrible films - this is a film that isn't even so bad it's good, it's just bad!

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