Review of Vampyros Lesbos

2 / 10


Made in 1970 this movie is described as a Horrotico movie, meaning a mix of horror and erotica. It’s directed by a guy called Jess Franco, responsible for possibly more movies that any other single person. Apparently this movie has gained Cult status and the DVD has been eagerly anticipated by fans. I had never seen this movie before but on the promise of some soft core lesbian action I begrudgingly agreed to help out the DVD Reviewer team and review it :).

I’ve always been into the more mainstream movies so the fact that this movie is supposed to be some kind of cult classic really means nothing to me. It’s always puzzling when a movie is called a Cult classic as it often means that it`s either a great film which were largely ignored by the main stream public for some reason or a complete pile of s***e. Unfortunately the latter is very true with this movie.


Considering that age of the movie a good job has been done with this anamorphic transfer. It’s by no means perfect but given that this could most definitely be classed as a low budget movie it’s far better than I expected.


A mono soundtrack totally dominated by the soundtrack music. Allot has apparently been said about the psychedelic soundtrack but I can’t for one minute imagine why as it sounds far more suited to a seventies porno flick. Not to my tastes at all.

It’s also worth noting that the dialogue is German with English subtitles, not everyone’s cup of tea.


A trailer and some photos, that’s it. If this does indeed have the Cult following that all the press releases would have you believe then I would have expected far more extras.


As I mentioned before this movie is classed as Horrotico, a mix of horror and erotica, and a very awkward mix it is as well. The erotica is largely expectant and instances of sex and/or nudity are very few and far between. The Horror side of the mix is laughable at best, damn right ludicrous at worst.

The acting throughout is cheesy and dreadful. There are several scenes where I actually laughed out loud, a shame as they were supposed to be the more atmospheric horror scenes.

Erm, sorry but I can’t think of anything else to mention about this one . . . a complete waste of time and only recommended to fans who simply must own this film otherwise avoid like the plague.

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