Anime Review Roundup

It's been a slow news week when it comes to anime in the UK, at least I've found little to be inspired, or concerned by. I had a moment at the weekend when I learned that Bandai Entertainment had put some episodes up on its Youtube channel, offering Code Geass in both English and Japanese, but clicking over I found that they were region locked to the US. I'm in so deep of a sulk that I'm not even going to paste the link.

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Fortunately, there was a bumper helping of animation watched in the last week, plenty of opinion offered to help you make up your mind as to your next DVD purchase. First up to be critiqued was Death Note Volume 4. Manga Entertainment have been releasing this series in two disc sets, but an odd number of episodes meant that there would be one disc left over. Not many were expecting it to show up in the middle of the run, but volume 4 is where it happens, ideally placed you may say, as it's where the first arc of the story ends, and the second begins. Light Yagami's megalomania reaches new heights as the rule of the Death Note prevails. But can the same be said for the quality of the anime?

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It was a trip down memory lane next, with a look at New Dominion Tank Police. There is still cyberpunk anime that I have missed out on, although coming from creator Masamune Shirow, the man behind Ghost In The Shell, you'd have thought that I would have pounced on it years ago. But years ago it was released on VHS, one episode per tape, something that had my wallet screaming in submission. Now all six episodes are available on a single DVD, offering 3 hours of concentrated sci-fi cyberpunk action. Find out how the Tank Police have weathered the years by clicking the link to my review.

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Then Stuart McLean got into the DeLorean and set the destination ten years further back in time, as he reviewed Go Nagai's Star Fleet. This was a blast from the past indeed, the classic Saturday morning puppet animation from Japan, offering sci-fi thrills and a transforming spaceship, battles of good versus evil, and a Brian May soundtrack. I have few memories of the show, but I do remember how cool it was. Fabulous Film appears to have the retro nostalgia market sewn up. Last year they brought us Mysterious Cities of Gold, old school fun that I lapped up. This year it's the turn of Star Fleet. See if Stuart was as tickled by his nostalgia as I was by mine by reading his review.

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As the week came to a close, I managed to get in the second sizeable helping of xxxHolic. I was an instant convert to the show with the first half of the series, appreciating its eccentric characterisations, unique visual style, and anthology format of spooky supernatural tales. To say I was looking forward to the concluding half would be a definite understatement. xxxHolic Part 2 offers more of the same, and there are times when more of the same is something to be aspired to.

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At the last minute, David Beckett posted his review of Film Noir. I know it's not anime, but it is animation, and singularly striking animation at that. The clue's in the title as to the style, and the story of an amnesiac looking for his own past, while avoiding a whole gallery of rogues trying to kill him, seems to be a staple of the genre. David finds out if the story lives up to the breathtaking visuals in his review.

Manga Entertainment released New Dominion Tank Police years ago, and it should be lying in a bargain bucket near you. Manga also release Death Note Volume 4 today, while xxxHolic: Part 2 is released next Monday. Fabulous Films let Star Fleet loose on the world today, while Film Noir is released by Optimum Home Entertainment, again next Monday.

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