Cash for old Games launched by

Inline Image launches cash for old Games service to hard up British consumers

26 January, 2009 -, the UK's only cash-for-old-CDs web site, has today announced the launch of the UK's first ever online cash for old Games and DVDs service. The site now allows users to sell their old unwanted Games and DVDs at the same time as old CDs.

Unwanted Games or DVDs can be worth anything up to £3 each at and with millions of Games and DVDs lying around in homes unwatched or unwanted the new service from Musicmagpie means users can make some extra money as well as free up space on their shelves.

Commenting on the new service Craig Dawson, head of operations said; "Musicmagpie has been a great success with thousands of people wanting to turn their old CDs into cash. Launching the new Game and DVD service now means that users can get cash for their old Games and DVDs as well as their CDs and all in one place.

The new site is a culmination of hard work from all the team here at Musicmagpie and in just a few days is already a hit with our users. There are millions of Games and DVDs waiting to be turned into cash and Musicmagpie makes it really simple to do and it's totally free to use."

When people trade in their old CDs, Games and DVDs for cash they receive a welcome pack which contains freepost labels for them to use. Musicmagpie has now paid out over £440,000 to users and hopes to reach £500,000 by the end of January.

Unlike auction sites, users can get cash for as many of their old CDs, Games and DVDs as they want without the hassle and cost of selling each individually.

In 2008 over 82.8 million computer games and 251 million DVDs were sold in the UK. Many people only play their games or watch their DVDs once or twice and then throw them away or leave them lying around gathering dust. gives them a convenient and hassle free way to turn them into cash.

For full details of the service, visit

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