It's That Time Of Year

I say Christmas, he says Hannukah. She says Eid, he says Diwali. At this time of year, we're all in serious need of cheering up. The weather's at its worst, the days are at their shortest. You can understand why early mankind spent most of the winter wondering if it would ever get warm again, and why in virtually every civilisation in the Northern hemisphere we humans elect to have some kind of blowout in the depths of winter to keep our spirits up.

This isn't a time to year to consider our differences. This isn't a time of year to argue perceived (non-existent) superiority over our fellow Earth-dwellers. This is a time to celebrate us all having pretty much the same idea at the same time.

So whatever your faith, creed or belief - the greetings and blessings of the season to one and all, and the sincerest hope that 2009 fulfils or betters all of our expectations and hopes.

Your Opinions and Comments

Why is it that when I saw the title of this, the next line that came into my head was:-
"Now that spring is in the air"
My mind is infested with cheese from the 1980s...
posted by Rich Goodman on 16/12/2008 09:02
10 / 10
I was thinking more along the lines of "Hip hip hooray, it's Christmas Vacation", causing brownouts with your Christmas lights and generally being the hap-hap-happiest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse since Bing Crosby tapdanced with Danny-**cking-Kaye.

What would 1980s cheese be like? I've had cheese at the back of the fridge that's been a couple of months old and it's been ready to invade Poland. Twentysomething cheese would probably be capable of sentient thought...
posted by Mark Oates on 18/12/2008 02:09
Happy Christmas you guys-going to watch Its a Wonderful Life-its a bit like a documentary at the moment with only the The Economic Guardian Angel Robert Peston missing from it!
posted by Sue Davies on 22/12/2008 13:51
Just watched this again Sue says, very pertinent. A message that will bring strength to many during these tough times. I'd forgotton what a melodrama it was and how brilliant James Stewart was ...inspired casting! Merry Christmas all!!
posted by Stuart McLean on 23/12/2008 21:11
I'm not watching that again yet, I cried last time...
posted by Si Wooldridge on 23/12/2008 22:48
I'm going to watch it and I cry every time. It's just about the only film that's guaranteed to turn on the waterworks. Oddly enough the other one is WALL-E, a film I've watched four times, three at the cinema and once on BD - I cried each time.
posted by David Beckett on 24/12/2008 16:46