David Icke: Live at Oxford Union Debating Society

4 / 10


From the Moon landings to the assassination of JFK and the events of 9/11, there are numerous conspiracy theories saying that what we are told is not the truth. Since 1991, David Icke has claimed that there is a 'hidden hand' controlling the world.

In 2008, he gave a talk at the famous Oxford Union Debating Society, not to persuade or convert people to his way of thinking, but merely to provide information and let them decide for themselves.

During the 110 minutes of his talk, Icke covers the growing surveillance in today's society, the rise of the neo-conservatives and the 9/11 attacks, the Illuminati and the Global Fascist Dictatorship before finishing by talking about lenses, how we are all holograms and how love can prevent disaster.


The cameras are well placed but, as you are watching a man doing a PowerPoint presentation, there's nothing too demanding. The picture is nice and clear, with one notably clumsy edit.


Nothing spectacular. The sound is clear but Icke's microphone gave up the ghost for 10 minutes around the 90 minute mark so you can only hear him from the ambient mics.

Extra Features

Introduction by David Icke. He talks about the Oxford Union Debating Society and how Ted Heath's eyes went black when he met him!

There are also some audience reactions to the talk.


David Icke is an odd and controversial figure. A former footballer and sports commentator, he famously told Terry Wogan on live TV that he was 'the son of God' and was ridiculed. His theories about the reptilian shape-shifting Illuminati are fairly well known and he doesn't really go into them here, mentioning the 'I' word twice, but leaving the lizards out of it.

In this lengthy talk, Icke covers so many topics that you're not sure what he believes in and how they are all linked together, going from 9/11 to holograms ("The world that we think is physical is like a holographic TV channel. We're living in a holographic world. We're holograms.") in a single breath as he skips around from one point to the next. It's an odd mix of cod-philosophy, conspiracy theories and The Matrix, with quotes from the likes of Einstein, Wilde, Ghandi and Hitler, to illustrate his points!

If you like Icke and his theories, you'll like this DVD, but I found it too tedious to even be amusing.

Your Opinions and Comments

I can never think of David Icke without recalling a headline from the time he "changed". I believe it was The Sun who summed it up with "David Icke is off his bike"...

And why is he not wearing purple shell suits any more?
posted by Rich Goodman on 10/7/2008 16:31
I saw a similar presentation at a friend's house and frankly I'm amazed he got off so lightly with you, David...
posted by Si Wooldridge on 10/7/2008 17:27
Maybe he didn't watch it? I know I wouldn't. ;)
posted by Ben Franklin on 10/7/2008 20:13