Anime Review Roundup

Another week has gone by, and I'm still managing to squeeze some anime in, despite the sudden Arnold Schwarzenegger overload that has been doled into my reviewing plate. Meanwhile the anime industry continues its impersonation of a Chumbawumba song. It gets knocked down, then it gets up again… Read more in the blog downstairs.

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On Monday, we got a dose of brand new anime to the UK, which is always welcome… well, almost always. Read my thoughts about the first instalment of Mar, shonen action galore.

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Far more palatable to my refined palate… Who am I kidding, I'll watch anything as long as it's Japanese and animated… but a particularly fine series got its second volume, and I got a preview on Thurday. Death Note, may be proving to be a controversial show in some quarters, but in my view, it's one of the finest recent anime shows I have seen. Find out why by clicking the linky.

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Finally on Sunday, Stuart McLean embraced the delights of all things Belldandy, the sweetest, most charming creation in all of anime had claimed another victim. Pay your final respects by clicking the link and enjoying his review of Ah! My Goddess - The TV Series (Complete Collection) .

The Ah! My Goddess boxset and Mar hit the shop shelves today, while Death Note streets on the 28th. Laters!

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