Welcome To The Sprocket Hole

Wipe yer feet. I'm hoping this will be the start of something that will develop into a pleasant place to hang out at MyReviewer.com and chat about DVDs, movies and old telly programmes - in fact pretty much anything you like to discuss. Except sport, religion and politics. Have to draw a line somewhere.

All Sprocket Hole business will have "sprocket hole" or at least "sprocket" as a tag, so if you type either term into the find box in the top left corner you'll find what we're talking about. If you start a Sprocket Hole discussion, include the term in the tags and we can all enjoy it. Eventually I'm hoping we can turn the Sprocket Hole into a mini-site within MyReviewer.

So why Sprocket Hole? You know, those little perforations at the edge of real honest-to-God film - the stuff they made movies on before George Lucas convinced Hollywood to shoot video instead. Well, around here we'll be talking about great old movies and tv shows, the new movies that sound exciting, keeping an eye out for bargains and chatting about kit. If you're into collecting DVDs, I'm hoping this can be a second home.

I'm hoping the place can be something in-between Roobarb's and the Home Theater Forum, but considerably more laid-back. And if you don't know either of those places, you're not really going to like it here. Nerdish behaviour will be encouraged in discussions, but let's keep things light.

I contemplated calling the place The Drones Club after the club Bertie Wooster frequents in the novels of PG Wodehouse, but I thought The Sprocket Hole sounded friendlier, like a pub of the variety often found in Hammer Horror movies - usually with old George Woodbridge behind the bar doing his best "We don't loike strangers round 'ere, Zur," even when he was supposed to be a Transylvanian innkeeper. Possibly a Sprocket could be a hobbit-like creature who collects old movies and lives in a hole. That would be an accurate description of Yours Truly.

So pull up a bar stool, ask George for a pint of Creme de Cassis and let's talk b*llocks 'til the wee hours. :D

Your Opinions and Comments

10 / 10
Hurrah! Pour me a stiff one ...

Here's just a few of the things I intend to discuss at The Sprockethole....take your pick!

The Man from Uncle - when can we expect an official R2 release? (Yeah ...the series, not the 5 movie set which I already have....)

Tarzan (Ron Ely) - as above

Double Deckers - hmmm...as above

Adam West's Batman - urrr...as above

Seventies sitcoms on the big screen - never quite worked. Discuss.

Addams Family vs The Munsters - Discuss

Diana Rigg was the prettisest female co-star in 'The Avengers' - Discuss

Who remembers that cartoon 'The Impossibles' and which was your favourite super-hero?

The best bit of 'The Banana Splits' was 'Danger Island' - discuss

I guess that will do for starters!!!

posted by Stuart McLean on 18/4/2008 21:58
At least we've had recent repeats of Batman on BBC 4...
posted by Rich Goodman on 22/4/2008 19:51
Which I've managed to record, bar one. All those topics sound good, Stuart. Wanna set up one or two as discussions (commentary tracks ;) ?) with Sprocket Hole tags and we can start arguing?
posted by Mark Oates on 24/4/2008 00:17
Think I've found you a new image for the "Meet the Team" page:-

posted by Rich Goodman on 24/4/2008 22:09
Lacks the Eraserhead hairdo and the whiskers.
posted by Mark Oates on 27/4/2008 00:30
I'm currently getting all retro with Mysterious Cities of Gold. Takes me right back to the mid eighties, it was straight home from school on Thursdays for the subsequent instalment. In fact, I feel like watching one a week now to recreate that mood. Cheese on toast, a cup of hot milk, and twenty five minutes of Broom Cupboard adventure.
posted by Jitendar Canth on 27/4/2008 11:10